Equally fun are the thank you letters that teachers sometimes make their students write after I've visited their classes. I visited with some 4th graders recently. Here are some of my favorite comments (with my obligatory snarky response in parentheses after).
From TP: "Thank you for reading some of The False Prince. I thought it was boring, but now I want to read it." (Well, at least he added that last part!)
From SH: "I'm going to get the book at the library, then I will buy it." (Both? May I introduce you to my other books...)
From TM: "I liked your visit. Can you send a book of The False Prince to - his address here -? (Sure thing! But first, can you send your mom's wallet to me at - my address here - ?)
From JO: "I think you should make more books because I bet 1,000,000,

From PB: Okay, it's not what she wrote that was funny, it's that her accompanying illustration is of The Hunger Games. Sorta makes me wish I'd written that one. For a whole lotta reasons...
From ML: "I hope you make so many more books that they will not have room for others." (A total monopoly on all published books? I dunno - Rick Riordan might already have that one covered!)
From KW: "I really, really like your book, but I can't believe how long it is." (I get paid by the word, KW.)
From MG: "I want to read The False Prince, but I live too far from the library." (MG, may I introduce you to Amazon.com?)
From JS: "You are cool and just plain awesome. You should be famous." (Ah, in a perfect world...)
From BW: "I liked it when you read us part of The False Prince. I felt like I was in a dream." (Were you the kid who fell asleep during my presentation?)
From SN: "The False Prince sounds really exciting and mysterious. P.S. If you think I'm lying about that exciting part, I'm not. (Okay, but what about the mysterious part?)
From TR: "I think The False Prince would be a good book." (Me too! In fact, that's why I wrote it!)
From JL: "I think of you as an inspiration." (Me too! Can you tell my kids that?)
From RC: "I'll bet you $1,000,000,000,000 that your books will be a huge success!" (RC, when I have that much money to gamble, then I believe you will have won your bet.)
From CH: "I love The False Prince! P.S. What does False mean?" (It means you're not quite ready to read this book. Maybe next year?)
From BB: "I love your sarcasm. You are hilarious!" (Are you still thinking that after this snarky post?)
From BT: "I hope everybody reads your books and likes um. I hope nobody hates your books." (Well, there was this one reviewer...)
From IR: "Thank you for coming to our school to waste time of your day." (Thank you for coming to my presentation to waste time from your education!)

From RM: "I like you. You are nice and beautiful." (Sorry RM, I'm taken, but I do know a cute 4th grader who wants to be a hairdresser one day!)
From CP: "I really like your book. Thanks, it really helped me." (So you're also caught up in a plot where it's either treason or death? I hope Sage's example was helpful for you!)
From SW: "I'm moving soon but I hope they have a bookstore there with your book in it. Or if not, at least if they have other books. You made me notice that writing is hard. But that won't stop me from writing a new The Lord of the Rings series. It will be awesome." (Yes, but call it The Lord of the Golden Circles, so nobody will suspect the similarities.)
If you made it this far into the post, don't forget to enter for a chance to win an ARC of Book 2, THE RUNAWAY KING (scroll down in posts until you find it). It's the first giveaway of this ARC, and very few advance copies will be available, so grab your chance.) The contest ends Saturday!
Aren't kids hilarious? You're comments are great also, really enjoyed this post.
Aren't kids great? You never know what they will say. I enjoyed your comments as well.
Hahaha, I was laughing out loud from the kid's comments and from yours. Kids are the greatest! Haha
Hello Ms. Nielsen!! I have just finished reading THE FALSE PRINCE (I bought it from my school's book fair event today and finished it in one sitting; that's how intense and engaging it was!) and I would REALLY like an autographed copy of your next book. The problem is, I can't seem to figure out how to create an account on this website. (I'm not very technologically savvy, obviously.) Can you please provide a link that can help me make one so I can enter in your giveaway contest? Thank you so much in advance!
Anonymous - I'm so glad you enjoyed book 1, that's awesome!
To enter the giveaway, you don't need an account. Just enter a comment from that post, just as you did here.
Oh, awesome. Thank you, and please keep writing!
I love this post, Jen! I'm still laughing. :)
Ha ha ha! Love it! It must be so delightful to read fan letters from kids. :-)
I'm a grandmother! Loved The False Prince, which I listened to in audiobook form. Charlie McWade was a great choice of reader!
I am recommending my oldest grandson read the series...actually, he wants books for Christmas, guess what he is getting?
Thank you Ronalie. I love hearing that!
Lol, I don't Know Whats Funnier, You Or THe Kids xD (I Didn't Know You Could Play Match Maker, well You Did Start THe Best Series EVER!) I Hope THey Make A Movive Of It, But I'm Sure THey Would Destory It Like Hunger Games, NO KRSTIN STEWART! SHE IS NOT ALLOWED IN THE MOIVE, OR EDDWARD!! I Would Want To Be In It =3, But I Don't Want To Wreck It So Maybe Extrae
I hope they make a movie of it too. And luckily for you, I don't think there are any parts that would be appropriate for either of those actors. But wouldn't it be cool if you were in it, even as an extra? (-:
OMG! OMG! I Just Had A 5 Minute OMG Moment, And Cried Screaming In My Hands. JENN REPLIED TO ME! ME! EVEN WITH A ENTERTAINING RESPONSE! I Feel Like I Just Talked TO A Famous Person.. Oh Wait, I JUST DID, I Better Hope I Get My Acting Skills Up, Cuz If They DO Make A Movie, I Want To Be In It! :D I LOVE U JENN! You Made My Day ;), I DOn't Know Wut To Do! (Brag TO My Friend About This, Just Did >:P)
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